Month 12

Finishing Underside and Polishing Trim

Rust in floor pan

Sanding and replacing parts of the bottom of the car

Crack in framing of chassis


New floor pan

Sanding bottom of car

Primed underside with welded cracks

Primed underside-back

Rear seat area

Under seat and rear areas

Floor welded with new seat supports

Floor finished and primed

Trunk finished and primed

Box built for belt trim in airplane luggage

A trim piece half polished

Polishing stainless steel trunk trim

Unpolished ends of belt trim

Polished ends of door belt trim

Polished gas filler trim

Set of belt trim polished

Chevrolet Script for Hood

Cleaning up lettering for mold

Detailing lettering for mold

Basic Blue theme by ThemeFlood
RapidWeaver Icon

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